Are you unhappy about being circumcised? Are you angry about genital cutting of infants? Do you want to do something about the injustice of infant circumcision?
I printed up cards that I strategically distribute. The cards primarily target men and are intended to pique their interest so that they will investigate circumcision and restoration.
I distribute the cards
- on bulletin boards around campus, such as in the student center, in dorms, in the buildings where classes are held
- in locker rooms (I leave one on a bench and inside a few empty lockers every time I go to the gym)
- on lunchroom and cafeteria tables
- in study rooms and in study carrels
- inside magazines in waiting rooms (makes a great bookmark!) (I visit the local hospital and wander the halls leaving cards in various waiting rooms)
- in fast food restaurants (I put them on the counter next to the register so that customers see them but the cashier doesn't)
- to friends and relatives
- in gas stations (where I get gas has a plastic holder for advertising gas credit card applications on top of the gas pump - I slide one in)
- at community events and fairs
- on my dashboard (I leave a card on my dash so that it is visible by those walking past the car in parking lots)
- anywhere else that I think someone will see the card and investigate
I usually leave only one card at a time. I think if I leave too many that the cards may be considered a nuisance and be targetted for cleanup.
If anyone wishes to print their own cards, they can use the Circumcision Information Card pdf file.
-- promoting intactivism and restoration one man at a time