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In order to access, you must become a member by registering and creating an account.

Each new member must be approved by an admin before the member is allowed access to the site. Your patience is appreciated as the admin (a human, not a bot or AI) reviews your account before sending the welcome e-mail with login instructions.

Complete the information on this screen to start the process to receive an e-mail with instructions for completing your registration. Please follow the instructions on the verificaion e-mail. We also have an instruction page on how to join

Due to a recent upgrade (April 17, 2023), not all e-mails are being delivered. If a registration e-mail is not received within a few minutes, please click the Contact link to let us know your user name or e-mail address. We will resend the registration e-mail.

After this one-time registration, you can log onto by navigating to the site and entering your user name and password.

IMPORTANT: By registering and accessing, you consent to view the adult materials contained on the site and attest that you are at least 18 years old or older if the jurisdiction to which you are subject has an older age of majority. 

If you do not agree to the Terms of Service, please close your browser window now or navigate away from this site.

Please select an avatar below. You MUST click on one of the images below before you can register. You can upload a personalized avatar when you log onto the site and edit your profile. The pictures below are limited and are shared with other users.

Member Information
Please do not use more than 15 characters in a row without a space; Spaces are allowed and highly recommended; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, and underscores. Don't be too cure with usernames because bots often try to join by using strange character combinations.
Also, usernames should not be sexually suggestive. is not a dating or pickup site.

Enter a valid e-mail address because you will receive a registration verification e-mail. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail.

WARNING: as of April 2023 some e-mail providers (MSN, Hotmail) are rejecting e-mail messages from The site is having problems meeting everyone's e-mail standards and site mail is not being delivered. Please bear with us while we fix this problem.

Your virtual face or picture.
My Details
Do not show your age and your year of birth.

Your birthdate is required in order to verify that you are over 18 years old. By using this site, you declare that the birth date you enter is correct and you are of the appropriate age to view websites of an adult nature as per our Terms of Service and in compliance with COPPA. YOU MUST BE OF LEGAL AGE TO USE THIS SITE.

You have the option to opt out of displaying your birth year and age. If you do not opt out, your birth year and age may be displayed next to your user name. Your birth date is used by the Birthdays feature of the site to send members a birthday greeting. You may opt out of receiving a birthday greeting.